klar_ Architecture. Simple. Better.
Job Architecture
Job Architecture is the backbone of your organisation: It is a structure that gives strength and flexibility. We know architecture better than most. Many of the largest corporations run on architecture built by us. Klar Architecture is easy to implement and easy to understand. It makes sense to all stakeholders. It is built to let you grow.
We optimize existing architecture for organisations of any size and complexity. We also build from scratch. Our own solutions come in three categories:
klar_Architecture Basic
- Plug-and-play entry level architecture
- For small to mid-cap corporations
- Easy to install, easy to understand
- Designed for growth. We add the extra features when you need them
klar_Architecture, customized
- Customized design based on basic module
- For mid- to large cap corporations of basic complexity
- Easy to install, easy to understand
- Designed for growth. We add the extra features when you need them
klar_Architecture, tailor-made
- For larger enterprises and complex mid-cap corporations
- We design from scratch
- We optimize existing architecture
- We implement.
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1: Clarity and transparency. Good architecture provides both structure and clearly defined roles, leading to better performance, higher job satisfaction.
2: Strengthens fairness and combats inequality. Job levels provide a foundation for valuing each position for internal fairness aligned to market levels. Install good architecture and introduce good governance, and your pay gaps will disappear.
3: Consistency and agility. Job Architecture is the foundation for launching consistent enterprise-wide policies – and make agile, dynamic reactions possible.
4: Enhances engagement. Better defined position roles improves employee engagement in areas such as onboarding, performance management – and provides clearer career paths for the employee.
5: It is a structure that allows you to be flexible. A well designed structure perfectly fitted to your organization allows you to be flexible when you need to, knowing that the supporting structure is strong enough.
1: Title inflation. Is there a battle for titles in your company? For your company to operate as “one”, it needs a consistent language, consistent tools and a consistent methodology for levelling and titles. Title inflation is not only bad for your company, it also hurts your employees in the long run.
2: Salary inflation. Lack of clear structures in determining the value of each position leads to haphazard salary policies. The overpaid will stay, the underpaid will leave.
3: Lower engagement. Lack of fairness, consistency and clarity leads to increased dissatisfaction and reduced acceptance of company policies.
4: Gender Pay Inequality. Lack of consistency in pay policies often leads to systemic inequality in pay levels. Introduce good architecture and good governance and the problem soon goes away.
5: Lack of consistency, agility and foresight in HR procedures. Most enterprise-wide operations becomes more time consuming, less effective without a well fitted architecture. Lack of overview makes planning for the future more difficult.