Vi er klar_ We are ready
Clear answers
Klar Reward Agency sets up strategies that better attracts, engages and retains the right employees. We work in the full reward spectrum, from the specialist level to the very top. We know data better than most and even produce our own. We work with long-term goals, even when doing short-term fixes. We build on fairness, not because it looks good, but because it works better. We are klar. We are ready.
We specialise in reward strategies that attracts, engages and retains key talent by:
- increasing internal fairness
- increasing external competitive advantage
- increasing RROI, remuneration return-on-investment
We offer advisory services and operational support in our areas of expertise:
- Executive rewards
- Remuneration Committee reporting
- Job Architecture
- Equal Pay strategies
- Short Term Incentive programs
- Long Term Incentive programs
- Salary review
- Job matching
- Workflow optimization
Some services are offered as packages, plug-and-play solutions for common reward processes that saves on development costs and implementation time.
We offer interim services in the full reward spectrum.
We can function as your outsourced reward department handling your recurring reward processes.
We produce salary surveys for selected industries and segments.
Our analysis can be complex, but our solutions cannot.
- They are best practice measures with a proven value and predictable outcomes
- They are easy to understand for all stakeholders
- They focus on long term benefits even when addressing short term issues
We base our services on the Total Reward model. We offer advice not only on the financial investment a company makes to engage its workforce – salary, pensions, bonuses – but also immaterial value-based commitments and benefits, that increases job satisfaction by providing a better work/life balance. Practices and strategies, that can be very effective without an increase in budget.
We offer simple solutions of incremental change. They all work towards the same long term goal: increasing fairness and transparency to increase engagement and retention by higher overall job satisfaction. It will make your organization stronger and more effective.
The Total Reward model was first conceived by Worldatwork, the international organization for reward professionals.
The model brings together the material pay-based investments an organization makes into its workforce – such as salary, pensions, bonuses – with the immaterial, value-based investments – such as opportunities for career development, flexible working hours, better work/life balance, etc.
Its focus goes wider than just remuneration by highlighting benefits that underpins the organisation’s culture and strategic objectives. Its objective is to improve organization performance by encouraging employee engagement by bringing company values in alignment with the needs and wishes of the workforce it wishes to attract and retain.
Total Reward is a long-term approach. It does not need to be theoretically complex. We employ the strategies to bring incremental rather than radical change. Simple minor improvements, steps on the path to substantial long-term benefits.
‘Klar’ is Danish and means ‘clear’, as in ‘transparent’ or ‘free of obstacle’. It is used in phrases like ‘clear of mind’, ‘speaking clearly’, which gives the word an added meaning of ‘being easy to understand’ and ‘self-evident’. In Danish, like in German, it also means ‘being ready’ and ‘up to the task’. It has connotations of ‘being aware’ and is also used as a verb, meaning ‘to complete a task successfully’, sometimes a difficult one.